Member-only story
Earthquakes, Lisbon
85% of the buildings were destroyed
A few weeks ago there was a small earthquake in Lisbon. It was just a bit flutter, felt by almost everyone, but with no material/personal impact.
For me — although, once again, I haven’t felt it — it was another reminder that we’re still waiting for the “big one”.
Every place that is a bit vulcanic or lays in a seismic fault is waiting for the big one.
Portugal, and Lisbon more specifically, are the ones more closed to me. Not only do I live there, but I also studied the 1755 earthquake that almost destroyed the city.
Being from here, a history buff, and a disaster curious, are the reasons why every time that the earth trembles a little bit over here I start thinking of the past, and of an awful future if we don’t work on preparing for the “big one”.
The history:
The one in 1755
Although in Lisboa we lived through invasions, wars, and sieges one of the most important and singular moments of Lisbon history happened over 260 years ago. On the 1755 Day of all saints.
That day, the 1st of November of 1755, — especially in a country as religious as Portugal was at the time — meant that most of the population was in churches at the time…